Regional Development Victoria

Regional Development Advisory Committee

The Regional Development Advisory Committee (RDAC) is an independent committee established under the Regional Development Victoria Act 2002 to:

  • provide advice to the Minister for Regional Development on policies, projects and issues related to rural and regional Victoria
  • undertake research in relation to rural and regional Victoria
  • consult stakeholders on the development of rural and regional Victoria
  • undertake other activities related to rural and regional Victoria as directed by the Minister.

RDAC is required to comprise representatives from all Victorian regions. The current membership of RDAC consists of an independent Chair and the Chairs of the nine Regional Partnerships.

The Regional Partnerships are made up of community and business leaders who are passionate about regional Victoria. Regional Partnerships are a recognition that local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region. Through ongoing consultation the Partnerships ensure regional communities have a greater say about what matters to them, and that the voices of these communities are heard directly at the heart of Government.

Regional Partnerships and RDAC are closely aligned however RDAC has a separate, legislated role. It must advise the Minister for Regional Development on policies affecting regional Victoria.


Regional Development Advisory Committee Secretariat
c/- Regional Development Victoria
Level 35, 121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
