Regional Development Victoria

Gippsland Supply Chain Resilience Program frequently asked questions

Detailed information including key dates, Program Guidelines and the application process is available at the page Gippsland Supply Chain Resilience Program.


What support is available through the program?

The Gippsland Supply Chain Resilience Program provides support to eligible supply chain businesses impacted by changes to the manufacture of white paper in Gippsland with grants to access business support services.

It is part of the Victorian Government’s Forestry Transition Program to support workers and family members, businesses and communities impacted by the end of native timber harvesting.

Impacted businesses can apply under one of two streams:

  • Stream 1 - The Impacted Business Stream provides grants of up to $10,000 to eligible supply chain businesses. The business will engage their preferred Qualified Service Provider such as a financial advisor, accountant, lawyer or tax agent to develop a Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment.
  • Stream 2 - The Highly Impacted Business Stream provides grants of up to $20,000 to eligible supply chain businesses across two stages. The business will engage their preferred Qualified Service Provider to develop a Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment and a Business Resilience Plan.
  • Stream 3 – The Business Resilience Plan Implementation, provides support for business that were eligible under stream 2, and completed a Business Resilience Plan, stream 3 is to implement the recommendations from the business resilience plan with support up to $100,000.

Who can apply for support?

Impacted supply chain businesses that provided products or services for white paper production in Gippsland can apply under this program. Revenue impacts must be demonstrated of 5% or more in either financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23.

What is the difference between the ‘Impacted’ and ‘Highly Impacted’ streams?

There are 3 streams in the program.

Stream 1: Impacted Businesses

You are a business that supplied products or services and are impacted by changes to the manufacture of white paper in Gippsland. The impact to revenue is between 5% and 10% in financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23.

Stream 2: Highly Impacted Businesses

You are a business that supplied products or services and are impacted by changes to the manufacturing of white paper in Gippsland. The impact is 10% or greater in financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23.

Stream 3: Business Resilience Plan Implementation

You are a business that supplied products or services and are impacted by changes to the manufacture of white paper in Gippsland. The impact to revenue is between 5% and 10% in financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23 and were eligible and successful for a stream 2 grant.

I am an impacted supplier or service provider from outside of Gippsland, am I eligible to apply?

Yes. To receive support for your business you must be a product or service supplier with total business revenue representing a downturn of 5% or more from changes to the manufacture of white paper in Gippsland in financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23.

Your supply chain business must have a physical presence in Victoria. To demonstrate this, the main business location of the applicant’s ABN must be listed as being in Victoria on the Australian Business Register at the time of application.

My ABN has been cancelled, can I still apply?

No. To be eligible, businesses must hold a current ABN and demonstrate currency from 1 July 2021.

Can all business structures apply for support?

Impacted supply chain businesses who meet eligibility requirements can apply; however, the following are ineligible for support through the program:

  • Commonwealth, state and local government agencies or bodies
  • publicly funded research institutions, and
  • industry associations.

If you are unsure if your business is eligible, please email or phone Regional Development Victoria on 1800 325 217.

Applications and outcomes

Who can apply?

To complete your application, you will need to be an authorised representative of the business (such as an owner or director), or a person given authorisation by an authorised representative.

What will I need to submit my application?

To complete your application, you will need:

  • your business ABN
  • your WorkCover Employer Number and WorkCover Certificate of Currency
  • evidence of being a supplier of products or services for white paper production in Gippsland and revenue impacts, in the form of:
    • an invoice or business accounts evidencing products or services supply for white paper production in Gippsland in financial year 2021-22 or 2022-23 and
    • the contact details, ABN, and a quotation for services from your Qualified Service Provider (refer to the Program Guidelines).

How long after I submit my application before I know the outcome?

Regional Development Victoria will assess applications as they are received, and businesses are expected to be advised within 4 weeks of submitting their application.

Can I submit a late application?

No, late applications will not be accepted beyond the closing date (refer to the Program Guidelines).

How are applications assessed?

Eligible applications will be assessed against the eligibility criteria as outlined in the Program Guidelines. Evidence of revenue impact will need to be provided as part of the application and this will be taken into consideration during the assessment process.

Regional Development Victoria may contact you if further information is required.

How many applications can I submit?

Applicants are only eligible to submit one application for consideration for funding under this program, under either the Impacted Stream, Highly Impacted Stream, Business Resilience Plan Implementation, or Business Resilience Plan Implementation.

Can a joint application be submitted?

No. Joint Applications are not permitted under this program.

I need help submitting my application, what should I do?

For assistance with your application, please contact Regional Development Victoria by email or phone 1800 325 217.

What should I do if I have technical issues submitting the application form?

We understand that sometimes the unexpected does happen. Please take a screenshot of the problem or error message and email

How will my personal information be treated?

Regional Development Victoria is part of the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions. For practices and policies related to the collection, use and storage of applicant information, please read our Privacy Statement.

If successful, will my project details be made public?

Regional Development Victoria may include the name of grant recipients and the grant amount as part of its annual reporting. Regional Development Victoria may choose to publicise the benefits of the program and may seek your agreement to participate in this activity.

Do businesses have a right of appeal?

There is no right of appeal, however Regional Development Victoria may review your application and provide feedback if requested by unsuccessful applicants.

How do I submit a complaint or provide feedback?

To raise a matter, email

Funding and participation

Does my participation in the Gippsland Supply Chain Resilience Program cost anything?

No, there is no financial co-contribution associated with participating in the Gippsland Supply Chain Resilience Program, however you will need to invest your time.

Can I choose my own service provider?


Do businesses with a successful application have to sign a contract?

Yes. If your application is successful, you will receive a contract (Grant Agreement) to sign. You must sign the Agreement to participate in the program.

Am I obligated to participate in program evaluation post-completion of the program?

Yes. You or an authorised representative of your business will receive an email from Regional Development Victoria inviting you to complete a survey after the completion of your engagement.

Impacted Stream

What if I am an impacted manufacturer but do not have a trusted Qualified Service Provider?

A Qualified Service Provider is the preferred professional adviser to the business, who may be a financial advisor, accountant, lawyer or Tax or BAS Agent, who is qualified to deliver an approved service activity to the business. If you don’t have a Qualified Service Provider, or are seeking guidance about Qualified Service Providers please contact Regional Development Victoria by email at or by telephone on 1800 325 217.

When will I receive payment?

Regional Development Victoria will aim to notify each business about the outcome of their complete application within 4 weeks of applying. An email will be sent to the authorised representative of the business. After you have acknowledged the email, you will then complete a Grant Agreement. Once finalised, and you submit a quotation for eligible services from your Qualified Service Provider according to the Grant Agreement, you will receive a $4,000 grant payment.

How will my business receive the grant payment for the Impacted Stream?

If an application is successful, it will be paid via tax invoices supplied by your business as part of the Grant Agreement milestones.

The grant will be provided in 2 payments:

  1. $4,000 if assessed as eligible following submission of a complete application, including a quotation for services from your nominated Qualified Service Provider
  2. Up to $6,000 on completion of the service activity on submission of evidence of an invoice for final payment to the Qualified Service Provider.

Why am I being asked to send information to receive my second payment?

Applicants must meet the grant agreement terms and provide evidence of full payment to their Qualified Service Provider before the final payment of up to $6,000 can be made.

What services can I use the funding for?

The grant must be used for services received from your nominated Qualified Service Provider to deliver a Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment which will include some or all of the following:

  1. advice and analysis regarding the management of cash flow, preparation or cash flow budgets and projections
  2. profitability analysis and formulation of financial management and/or operational business strategies
  3. tax advice and planning
  4. market and strategic gap analysis to revise business planning
  5. advice regarding the management of debts and liabilities
  6. advice regarding workforce management and employee matters
  7. legal advice relating to the business
  8. identification of suboptimal business strategies or planning, processes, technologies, accreditations, or skills.

When do projects need to be completed?

A Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment must be completed and an invoice evidencing the final grant payment of up to $6,000 made on or before 31 March 2025.

Can I start my project before I have signed a Grant Agreement?

No. Funding will not be provided for retrospective activities.

Can grant funding be spent on GST?

No. The grant funding is exclusive of GST. If businesses are registered for GST this will be paid in addition to the grant.

Highly Impacted Stream

Do I have to complete Stage 1 of the Highly Impacted Stream to develop a Business Resilience Plan?

Yes. The Preliminary Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment will provide a financial health check and an assessment of the potential of the eligible business to transition to new opportunities. This will inform the Business Resilience Plan developed in Stage 2 of the program.

What does a Business Resilience Plan include in Stage 2 of the program?

A business Resilience Plan includes some or all of the following elements (non-exhaustive) that assist to build resilience to changed economic conditions:

  1. business technology systems and process certifications
  2. tender response assistance
  3. industry specific compliance requirements
  4. supply chain collaboration and partnering activities
  5. development of industry research and development
  6. processes, product development and skill development
  7. other relevant activities.

Am I guaranteed to receive Business Resilience Implementation Funding after completing the Highly Impacted Stream?

No. Businesses may be invited to apply for a Business Resilience Implementation Grant after completing the Highly Impacted Stream. Grants are to implement strategies outlined in the Business Resilience Plan.

How do I know if I am successful in my application?

Regional Development Victoria will seek to notify each business about the outcome of their complete application within 4 weeks of applying. An email will be sent to the authorised representative of the business.

Will Regional Development Victoria require a copy of Business Resilience Plans generated by the Qualified Service Provider in Stage 2 of the Highly Impacted Manufacturers Stream?

Yes. The Business Diagnostic and Future Opportunities Assessment and Business Resilience Plan must be provided to Regional Development Victoria.

How would my business receive the grant payment for the Highly Impacted Stream?

If successful, the grant is provided in 3 payments:

  1. Stage 1 - Payment One: $4,000 if assessed as eligible following submission of a completed application including a quotation for services from your nominated Qualified Service Provider.
  2. Stage 1 - Payment Two: up to $6,000 on completion of the Service Activity and submission of evidence to Regional Development Victoria of full payment to the Qualified Service Provider.
  3. Stage 2 - Payment Three: up to $10,000 on completion and submission of the Business Resilience Plan and of evidence to Regional Development Victoria of full payment to the Qualified Service Provider.

When does my Business Resilience Plan have to be completed?

Services for Stage 2 of this stream must be completed by 31 May 2025.

How would my business receive the grant payment for the Business Resilience Plan Implementation?

Upon RDV receiving the Business Resilience Plan and its recommendations, the business will be invited to present their case to an RDV representative, where a decision will be made and if acceptable, will be offered to apply under stream 3 of the program. Support for implementation is up to $100,000 ( or greater if budget allows).

What types of activities could be funded under stream 3?

Proposed resilience activities must be in line with the applicant’s Business Resilience Plan. This may include but is not limited to the scope of activities listed below:

  1. Business technology systems and process certifications.
  2. Tender response assistance.
  3. Industry specific compliance requirements.
  4. Supply chain collaboration and partnering activities.
  5. New Market opportunity analysis and connection
  6. Acquisition and installation of plant and equipment.
  7. Product or process design and development
  8. Workforce training and development required to implement new processes.
  9. Other relevant activities noted in the Business Resilience Plan aligned to the program objective.

What types of activities will not be funded under stream 3

Ineligible expenditure includes any activity not captured in the Business Resilience Plan, and goods and services typically used in ‘business as usual’ functions, including:

  1. Service activities that have commenced or concluded prior to applying for funding from this Program.
  2. Activities that could ordinarily be obtained in the usual course of business such as operating expenses, rent, stock purchases, utility payments, existing salaries/wages and associated entitlements, travel costs or routine maintenance.
  3. The purchase, hire or lease of physical goods, plant or equipment.
  4. Financing fees, servicing creditors or personal debts and expenses.
  5. Payment of fines or regulatory charges.
  6. Any amount paid on account of goods and services tax.
  7. Personal, non-business-related legal advice, or
  8. Any other expenditure as determined by Regional Development Victoria that does not meet the program’s objectives.