Detailed information, including Program Guidelines and the process to apply, is available at Regional Worker Accommodation Fund.
Am I eligible to apply?
You can apply for funding if you are an eligible applicant as listed in the guidelines.
Eligible applicants must:
- hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- be an eligible entity type; and
- be operating an existing business or service in Victoria.
Eligible applicants include:
- private sector organisations incorporated and registered with one of the following bodies*:
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
- Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) or
- Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)
- TAFE institutions and universities
- pre-school, primary and secondary schools
- hospitals or health care providers
- incorporated joint ventures
- public/private partnerships, through an incorporated entity
- a Victorian state government department, agency or service provider
- a Victorian local government authority located within the 48 municipalities in regional Victoria
- a Victorian Alpine Resort
- a consortium of 2 or more of the above entity types (with an eligible lead organisation as applicant)
- other organisations agreed by Regional Development Victoria (RDV) at its discretion.
You are not eligible to receive funding if you are:
- an unincorporated organisation
- a Commonwealth government agency or body
- an individual (includes individuals acting on behalf of a trust)
- a sole trader.
*These organisations can apply on behalf of a Trust, provided the Trustee:
- remains sufficiently liable for the performance of any agreement it signs
- has a right to be indemnified from the assets of the Trust
- is indemnified from the assets of the Trust.
Eligible incorporated trustees exclude self-managed super funds.
How do I apply?
Please contact your local RDV Business Centre to discuss your project and to request the application portal form link.
Please see the contact details at Appendix 2 in the guidelines for your local RDV Business Centre.
You will need to complete the application form and provide any required supporting or additional information. The guidelines provide further details about preparing an application.
What are the main differences between Round 1 and Round 2?
Key changes include:
- in Round 1, there was an initial Expression of Interest (EOI) process, out of which shortlisted applicants were invited to apply by Formal Application. In Round 2, there is a single, one-stage application process only.
- the introduction of a prioritisation framework to help applicants understand the assessment process. It focuses on key areas like project readiness, project outcomes, and support for regional industries in Victoria. For more details see section 9.1 of the guidelines.
- the requirement for more detailed financial information to assist with the assessment process (see Section 8.1 in the guidelines).
- the requirement for a more detailed budget breakdown for a greater understanding of overall project costs.
- stronger advice given to applicants on co-contributions:
- The prioritisation framework indicates that applicants who co-contribution at least two-thirds of the project cost (i.e., the grant value requested is no more than one third of the total project budget of eligible activities and expenses, exclusive of GST) will be considered favourably in the assessments of applications.
- Co-contribution amounts will require evidence of lending approval to be provided (where lending is required and part of the project cost).
- Value of land is excluded from the co-contribution.
- flexibility in relation to planning approvals being secured, however applications where a planning permit has been obtained or formally applied for, or is exempt, will be considered favourably.
I applied for Round 1 and was unsuccessful. Can I apply for Round 2?
Both unsuccessful and successful applicants from Round 1 can apply for Round 2.
When do I need to complete my application?
Applications close 4 pm 31 January 2025.
I have read the guidelines, and I am not sure if my project will be eligible for funding. What should I do?
Through discussions with your RDV Business Centre the department will provide you with feedback on your project and how it aligns with the program guidelines. If you wish to apply an application link will be provided by email.
What is considered an eligible activity or expense?
Eligible activities and expenditure include:
- new key worker housing and accommodation design, site, construction, building, fit-out and furnishing costs
- enabling infrastructure design and construction costs, but only to the extent the infrastructure enables delivery of key worker accommodation, e.g. utilities and services such as drainage, roads, electricity and/or telecommunications infrastructure
- upgrade, redevelopment, or expansion of existing buildings, where the project will provide a net gain of worker accommodation, e.g. renewal or repurposing of existing sites including office spaces, hotels and motels)
- consultant fees and professional services required for the delivery of the funded project.
The Program Guidelines on the Regional Worker Accommodation Fund webpage include a list of ineligible expenses and activities.
What type of projects are ineligible?
Grant project funding may not be spent on:
- projects that do not meet the objectives and outcomes of the Fund
- requests for retrospective funding where projects have been completed or have commenced construction prior to receiving funding approval
- activities that are already funded or partially funded by other Victorian Government grants or funding agreements
- projects located in metropolitan areas or outside Victoria
- worker housing or accommodation that is not for key workers and their families as defined under the guidelines
- projects that duplicate other existing government initiatives
- projects that can be funded by other grants or sources
- operational, maintenance or renewal costs for the project once complete
- projects that require land to be rezoned for the proposed development or use
- strategic planning activities or services, such as planning scheme amendments, growth area plans, precinct structure plans
- demand or feasibility studies, business cases or masterplans
- upgrade, maintenance, or renewal of existing buildings where no additional key worker accommodation is being provided
- community, social or public housing and accommodation
- student housing and accommodation
- general business operating costs and administrative running costs, such as:
- costs related to lease, rent and utilities;
- costs involved in the purchase or upgrade/hire of software and ICT hardware;
- capital expenses such as purchase of assets for everyday business activities;
- marketing, advertising, or promotion costs; and
- staff wages, salaries, training, or development costs
- skills, education, or training expenses
- purchase of land
- GST.
Where does the project have to be located to be eligible?
The project location must be in one of the 48 rural and regional Victorian local government areas, or 6 Alpine Resorts, however applications to fund cross-border projects which will benefit Victorian communities may also be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How much money can I apply for if my project is part of a larger mixed-use development and only part of it is for key worker housing?
Applicants may seek a minimum of $150,000 and up to a maximum of $5,000,000 (exclusive of GST) in grant funding for eligible activities and expenses only. Ineligible activities and expenses should not be included in the total project budget or as part of your financial contribution to the project.
Can I apply if my project is part of a larger development for which I have already received State Government funding?
Yes, but only if you are not seeking additional funding for activities and expenses already funded under a different State Government grant or funding program.
Additionally, in a mixed-use development, the grant will only be applicable for the regional worker accommodation component of the project. For example, a community housing provider can utilise funding from Homes Victoria for the social housing component of a project and apply for Regional Worker Accommodation Fund funding for a regional worker housing component.
I have lots of projects that might be eligible, can I apply for funding for all of them?
Yes, however each project is required to have its own application.
Can I get funding for projects that have already commenced?
Funding won’t be provided for eligible project activities and expenses that have already been incurred prior to receiving funding approval. Funding also won’t be provided for eligible projects that have already commenced construction prior to receiving confirmation of funding approval.
I know there is a need in my area for worker housing and would like funding to build key worker accommodation on my land. Am I eligible for funding?
You must meet all the applicant and project eligibility requirements to be eligible for funding. You must also demonstrate the ability to operate the accommodation for a minimum period of 5 years following completion and provide evidence that employers have committed to using your project for the purposes of worker accommodation over that period.
I have an idea for a proposal that will help increase access to worker housing, but it doesn’t include building infrastructure, housing or accommodation. Am I eligible for funding?
No. Only projects that deliver a net gain or increase in appropriate and affordable housing or accommodation for key workers and their families in regional Victorian are eligible for funding under this program.
Can I apply for funding for to complete a design for a regional worker accommodation project?
Funded projects must be completed by 30 June 2026. Projects that don’t deliver built outcomes are therefore not eligible. However, design costs, including consultant fees and professional services that are required for the delivery of the funded project are eligible.
We believe that we are an eligible applicant with an eligible project but have never built housing or accommodation before. Can we apply?
The Victorian Government will only support worker accommodation projects that comply with all relevant codes, support accessibility, and meet health and safety standards. Funded projects must also be completed by 30 June 2026.
Applicants and any project partners will need to demonstrate their ability to deliver high standard and compliant buildings in the timeframe specified, as well as meet best practice in tenancy management following the project’s completion.
If you are unsure of any aspect of your eligibility you should discuss your application with your local RDV Business Centre.
I’m setting up a separate legal entity to apply to the Fund, is there anything I need to know?
If the applicant is a special purpose vehicle (i.e. a separate legal entity created to manage projects), the applicant will need to provide parent company financial statements, ownership structure details and other particulars. The parent company needs to be an organisation which has been established for a minimum of 3 years and can financially secure the grant applicant. Please refer to the ‘Financial Information’ area of section 8.3 in the Guidelines for the full financial information requirements.
Definitions of key terms
Key worker
Private and public sector regional workers essential to local prosperity, opportunity, and liveability, where their role requires a physical presence in that location to perform the work. This can include seasonal workers.
New housing options
A net gain or increase in housing or accommodation that is suitable for the needs of the key workers, and their families if applicable.
Where the cost to the key worker and their family does not prohibit them from accessing the accommodation for the medium to long term.
This is a period of a minimum of 5 years following project completion and should be measured as being below the current local market rental rate.
Appropriate accommodation
Safe, fit-for-purpose and suitable for the needs of workers, and their families if applicable. It should also suit the needs of the employers.
This means that the style and size of housing or accommodation might vary depending on the industry or sector, as well as the needs of the employers and the employees.
Employer led
A project where the targeted key workers for the accommodation are employees of the applicant, and the employer is the lead applicant to the Fund.
Developer led
A project where a property developer is the lead applicant to the Fund and seeks to build accommodation to house the key workers of employers in industry sectors with a demonstrated, localised demand for key worker housing.
Prioritisation Framework
A prioritisation framework will be applied to all applications submitted, based on project readiness and outcomes for regional Victoria. Please refer to the Guidelines, section 9.1.
How much funding can I apply for?
Applicants may seek a minimum of $150,000 and up to a maximum of $5,000,000 in grant funding per project (exclusive of GST).
What will be funded?
Funding will be provided for housing, accommodation and related infrastructure that increases the supply of appropriate and affordable housing and accommodation for key workers and their families, to support job security, economic growth, and improved access to services across rural and regional Victoria.
Projects must:
- provide housing or accommodation for key workers and their families in regional Victorian locations
- deliver a net gain or increase in appropriate housing or accommodation in that location for key workers and their families
- provide affordable housing or accommodation for key workers and their families for a minimum of 5 years following completion
- provide housing or accommodation that will be available for key workers and their families at least 70% of the time throughout the annual period of demand.
- The annual period of demand refers to the time within a 12-month calendar year that key worker housing is required. For some industry sectors, this could be the entire calendar year (52 weeks) and for others, such as for seasonal work, it would be a shorter period.
- Example 1: If an employer requires key workers for a full calendar year the annual period of demand is 52 weeks. The key worker accommodation must be available for at least 36.4 weeks of that 52-week period.
- Example 2: If an employer requires key workers for 8 months (32 weeks) of the calendar year, the key worker accommodation must be available for at least 5.6 months (22.4 weeks) of that 8-month period.
For the remaining time, in both examples, the accommodation may be used for other commercial purposes.
- The annual period of demand refers to the time within a 12-month calendar year that key worker housing is required. For some industry sectors, this could be the entire calendar year (52 weeks) and for others, such as for seasonal work, it would be a shorter period.
- show a direct benefit to the location and its community through alignment with the Fund objectives and outcomes listed in the guidelines.
- for larger or multi-use developments, identify the portion of the development that is allocated for key worker housing, along with its corresponding budget.
Projects should meet the timeframe of completing construction by 30 June 2026.
How much money do I need to contribute towards the project?
There is no minimum cash co-contribution requirement. However, all applicants are encouraged to contribute towards the total project budget of eligible activities and expenses for key worker housing.
Project proposals able to demonstrate financial contributions towards eligible activities and expenses will be considered favourably during assessment (please refer to Prioritisation Framework in the Guidelines, section 9.1.) Additionally, all applicants must confirm and evidence their maximum level of contribution towards eligible activities and expenses.
Do all co-contributions need to come from the applicant?
No, the co-contribution may come from the applicant organisation, project partners or from other sources, but must not be from other Victorian Government grants or funded programs.
Applicants must provide evidence that demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the department, that the applicant has sourced and confirmed sufficient funds available for the stated co-contribution amount.
Do we need to pay the money back to government?
This is a grant program and not a loan. If you are successful in receiving funding and you meet all the conditions and requirements of the grant agreement, then you will not need to pay back any funding provided.
Are there any financial or tax implications of receiving this funding?
All applicants need to seek their own advice from legal, business, or financial advisers to determine their eligibility, and any implications to their organisation resulting from the terms and conditions of the funding, if the application is successful.
Applications and outcomes
How will my application be assessed?
Applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria in the guidelines. Applications will be assessed in the following way:
- eligibility, project and commercial due diligence checks, including financial risk assessments where required
- criteria assessment undertaken by a departmental assessment panel. Considerations will include project assessment scoring, due diligence assessments and advice from relevant Victorian Government departments and agencies (on regional area, industry or sector or area of professional knowledge)
- via an Oversight Committee, chaired by RDV and including representatives from the department and other Victorian Government departments and agencies to provide advice and make recommendations regarding eligible projects for funding to the Minister for Regional Development or their delegate.
When will I be notified of the outcome?
Applicants should expect to learn the outcome of their application from May 2025.
Can I appeal my application if it is unsuccessful?
There is no right of appeal for unsuccessful applications. The decisions on all matters on recommending and awarding of the grant funding is at the absolute discretion of the relevant minister and department. This includes recommending for approval a lesser amount than that applied for.
When and how will the grant be paid?
If you are successful, a grant agreement will be drafted and negotiated prior to both parties executing the agreement. This grant agreement will detail the timing and requirements for each payment milestone.
What happens if the project requires changes during the funding period?
The grant agreement will detail your obligations if you anticipate changes to your project budget, scope or timing. You should also contact your RDV contract manager to discuss any concerns you have in meeting your obligations under the grant agreement.
What happens if there are unforeseen reasons that we cannot continue with our project?
As soon as any issues arise that may affect the completion of your project then you must contact your RDV contract manager to discuss your project, options for resolution or potentially formally withdrawing from the project.