Regional Development Victoria

Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment frequently asked questions

For more information about the project, visit the Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment webpage.

About the project

What will be included in the precinct (funded through Geelong City Deal)?

The Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment will deliver a world-class Visitor Experience Centre and tourism projects being delivered by the private sector and local council, funded through the Private Sector Business Enablement Fund.

Find out more at the Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment webpage.

What other related works are underway in the region (funded by others)?

As part of the Shipwreck Coast Masterplan, Parks Victoria is working with the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation (EMAC) on projects in the Port Campbell National Park. The projects are being supported with $24.5 million by the Victorian Government and include:

  • a new lookout at the ‘Saddle’ in the Twelve Apostles Precinct that will expand viewing areas and improve accessibility for growing visitor numbers
  • another lookout at ‘The Blowhole’ at Loch Ard Gorge
  • a new 60 metre pedestrian bridge which has been built over Port Campbell Creek, connecting Port Campbell to the national park.

Corangamite Shire Council is delivering several related projects in the region, including:

The Victorian Government, through Regional Development Victoria, is also supporting a range of other projects in the Great South Coast Region.

The Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment project includes the Private Sector Business Enablement Fund (PSBEF), which helps to fund underlying infrastructure to support private sector investment in the region. The PSBEF supports several projects in the Shipwreck and Great Ocean Road Region.

The Victorian Government through the Department of Transport and Planning and Regional Roads Victoria, is upgrading and improving the resilience of the Great Ocean Road and its inland routes connecting it to the Princes Highway. This program includes vital works to ensure the roads in the region remain strong – such as rebuilding road pavement, bridge strengthening, geotechnical works and safety upgrades.

When will construction start?

Start of works for the Visitor Experience Centre is expected in 2024.

The Project is currently expected to be completed by 2026.

How can I keep up to date on the project’s progress?

If you would like to sign up to receive project updates or want to learn more about the project, please register your interest at the Development Victoria webpage.


Who is managing procurement and construction of the project?

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions through Regional Development Victoria (RDV) is responsible for the implementation of the Geelong City Deal. RDV has engaged Development Victoria as the delivery agency for the project who will deliver procurement and construction.

I’m a supplier interested in the project; how can I get in touch?

Suppliers are sourced in accordance with whole of Victorian Government requirements. All open tenders are advertised on the Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal whereas Selective Tenders for construction services and works are sourced from the Construction Supplier Register.

If you would like to be considered for tender opportunities, please register your organisation with:

  1. Construction Supplier Register
  2. Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal Register
  3. Vendor Panel
  4. Industry Capability Network Victoria.

If you have a question or want to learn more about the project, contact the team at

Is the State procuring private land to deliver the project?

It is proposed that the project will be delivered on crown and privately owned land.

The Victorian Government is progressing with acquisition of the land required for this project.

Discussions between the landowners and the Victorian Government remain confidential in nature.

Community input

What opportunities are there for community input?

The project team engaged with the community in 2023 to better understand how people use and what they value most about the precinct.

Please visit Engage Victoria to view the 2023 Engagement Summary Report.

Community feedback has been considered in line with the project scope and a range of factors including safety, culture, environment and sustainability.

Feedback is being incorporated into the project’s design process, and insights gathered continue to influence the design and delivery of the project.

Further opportunities to learn more about the project will be made available. You can subscribe to receive updates by registering your interest with Development Victoria.

To keep up to date on the project, see ‘How can I keep up to date on the project’s progress?’

What were the community engagement findings?

People expressed strong support for preserving culture and history, boosting local tourism and the economy, environmental protection, and making improvements to transport and access.

Feedback is being incorporated into the project’s design process, and insights gathered continue to influence the design and delivery of the project.

Please visit Engage Victoria to view the 2023 Engagement Summary Report.

Parking, transport and environmental considerations

What other transport improvements are planned?

The project will deliver increased car parking and an improved visitor experience at the Twelve Apostles supporting safer traffic and pedestrian management.

The project will deliver integrated car and bus parking, including emergency service connectivity and new road infrastructure and road upgrades.

How will the environment be conserved and protected?

Grimshaw Architects and their consultants will continue to undertake extensive investigations for the redevelopment of the site, to plan the works and consider the significant cultural heritage and environmental sensitivities.

Once complete, the Visitor Experience Centre will be operated by the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (GORCAPA) – the Victorian Government’s dedicated parks and coasts manager - with all revenue raised reinvested back into the land the Authority manages.

Traditional owner engagement

How are the traditional owners of the land being engaged, and how will indigenous culture be protected and acknowledged in the precinct?

This project is being delivered in partnership with the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation (EMAC), the formally recognised Traditional Owner groups for the area, and includes codesign and delivery of this project.

EMAC is represented on all project governance groups with the partnership recognising Eastern Maar’s ongoing connection and intrinsic relationship with Country, in line with the Eastern Maar Country Plan.

The partnership ensures that Eastern Maar culture is at the forefront of the redevelopment and that the traditional owners benefit from the project now and into the future.

This project continues the engagement with EMAC from the Shipwreck Coast Master Plan through to the Twelve Apostles precinct planning from 2015 onwards. The continuing partnership with EMAC is at the centre of the project’s codesign and delivery.

Future operations

Who will operate the Visitor Experience Centre?

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority will operate the Visitor Experience Centre once complete.

Great Ocean Road and Coastal Parks Authority was established in 2020 to protect and manage the region’s iconic coast and parks.

Together with Traditional Owners, they manage Crown land and marine waters along the Great Ocean Road to protect, rehabilitate and foster resilience of the area’s natural, cultural and heritage values.

All money made by the Authority through its commercial activities will be reinvested to ensure current and future generations can enjoy the Great Ocean Road region.

Who will manage the coastal land?

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority will work closely with Parks Victoria who will retain responsibility for managing most of the Great Otway National Park.  Parks Victoria will provide on-ground management of National Parks Act land on behalf of the Authority and provide the Authority with expertise in conservation science and environmental works in coasts and parks for which the Authority is assigned management responsibility.

Will the operator and coastal land managers be involved in the design of the precinct?

The Great Ocean Road and Coast Parks Authority and Parks Victoria are working closely with the project team to provide input and expert advice into the planning, design, development, and future operations and land management of the Twelve Apostles Precinct.

Both organisations are also represented on several project governance groups.

Economy and jobs

How much is expected to be injected into the Victorian economy?

Realisation of the Shipwreck Coast Master Plan is projected to deliver an increase of $254 million in annual spending and the creation of more than 3,500 jobs for Victorians.

This projection includes Parks Victoria initial projects worth $16 million in the Port Campbell National Park and the $108.15 million Twelve Apostles Precinct Redevelopment, supported through the Geelong City Deal.

How is this project supporting the private sector in the Shipwreck Coast region?

The $126 million Twelve Apostles Redevelopment precinct also delivers the Private Sector Business Enablement Fund (PSBEF) which was designed to help fund underlying infrastructure to support private sector investment in the Shipwreck Coast and Great Ocean Road regions.

This funding is supporting the region to capitalise on its natural beauty and create up to 360 new jobs in the Shipwreck Coast region through the new projects.

The projects have the potential to stimulate over $150 million in private capital investment to support the growth of the visitor economy, principally through new and improved accommodation offerings.

Find out more at the Private Sector Business Enablement Fund webpage.