Regional Development Victoria

Ballarat raises a glass to new distillery


Ballarat’s small craft spirit and small batch brewing offering is booming, with new distillery and cocktail bar Grainery Lane opening its doors thanks to support from the Victorian Government.

Ballarat’s latest craft beverage maker will open on Armstrong Street backed by a $450,000 investment from the Victorian Government.

Grainery Lane is the brainchild and the fourth venue by Hop Temple owners, who also manage Aunty Jacks brewery and Gin Bar, along with restaurant Roy Hammond - all in Ballarat’s food and beverage hub. Construction created 30 jobs, with operators taking on 20 new staff now its complete. The project is also supporting 20 indirect jobs

The venue sits next to what once was a busy bluestone laneway where grain and malt were sold and milled during Ballarat’s gold rush period. The gin distillery and cocktail bar showcases the region’s boutique brews and spirits with a tasting area, cellar door, distillery tours and teaching spaces.

Grainery Lane will offer a range of single to multi-day courses for spirit enthusiasts and up-skilling opportunities for local hospitality staff. The business complements the Australian Craft Beer Centre of Excellence, ensuring Ballarat remains on the foodie map for visitors and locals alike.

Ballarat last month took out the coveted title of Victoria’s Top Tourism Town for the second year. The annual VTIC awards recognise Victorian towns that provide an exceptional visitor experience.

In the year up until March, Ballarat attracted an estimated 2.8 million domestic overnight and daytrip visitors, who contributed $704 million to the local economy.

The Government is also supporting Itinerant Spirits, a new whisky, gin and vodka distillery at the nearby Ballarat Goods Shed, which will open later this year.

The Grainery Lane project is part of the Victorian Government’s investment of more than $41 billion in rural and regional Victoria since 2015.