Regional Development Victoria

Huge homes boost for regional workers


Workers in key industries across rural and regional Victoria are set to benefit from a boost in affordable housing and accommodation, with the new $150 million Regional Worker Accommodation Fund now open.

Grants between $150,000 and $5 million are available for public and private organisations to develop projects that deliver affordable housing and accommodation. These projects will support local businesses to retain and attract workers in regional Victoria.

The new Regional Worker Accommodation Fund follows the success of the projects like the Ararat East Development Zone – part of the $5 million Regional Workforce Pilots initiative – that has supported sewage and other infrastructure connections to develop up to 160 lots at the Greenhill Lake housing estate.

Homeowners Emily Hanns and Mat Smith are two Ararat locals who are benefiting from this pilot with their new home currently under construction. Both work in key industries in Ararat and are looking forward to living closer to where they work.

The Government is also delivering an additional $1 billion through the Regional Housing Fund – building more than 1,300 new homes with a mix of social and affordable housing, on top of the Big Housing Build, which includes $1.25 billion to build new homes in communities across rural and regional Victoria.

While the Government gets on with ensuring more regional Victorians can live closer to where they work, it is also supporting projects that make our tiniest towns even better places to live.

The Tiny Towns Fund is ensuring that our state’s smallest communities are supported to develop projects that benefit locals and help attract visitors.

Grants between $5,000 and $50,000 to deliver infrastructure projects, such as hiking trails, splash parks, playgrounds, community hall and library upgrades, public art and more, with $20 million available across the state.

Eligible applicants include community and non-profit groups and councils in towns with under 5,000 people across regional Victoria and outer metro-Melbourne. Further rounds will be available from next year.

The third fund to open this week is the $25 million Regional Council Support Package, which is also supporting even more local projects that promise long-lasting benefits for communities in rural and regional Victoria.

Projects supported through that fund will be designed to create better public spaces for events, empower volunteers, strengthen businesses and communities and promote Traditional Owner culture, participation and leadership.

The announcement follows extensive consultation with local councils, industry bodies, Traditional Owner groups and communities about what they need most to ensure they thrive into the future.

An expression of interest process for the Regional Worker Accommodation Fund are open until 25 February. To find out more refer to Regional Worker Accommodation Fund.