Regional Development Victoria

​​Network upgrade helps Portland planes soar​


A plane being refuelled on the tarmac

Local communities, businesses and emergency services can continue flying in Victoria's south-west, thanks to a recent services upgrade.

Supported by $17,615 from the Portland Diversification Fund, Portland Aero Club upgraded their payment system connected to the AvGas facility to be compatible with the 5G network.

The upgrade means the airport can continue selling AvGas aviation fuel after its old system stopped working in October when the 3G network was switched off.

Built in 1982, Portland Airport is one of only 5 security-controlled regional airports in Victoria.

The airport services customers from a wide range of local industries including renewables, manufacturing, mining, forestry and agricultural sectors.

Commercial and charter flights, firefighting aircraft, medical transfer services, and environmental workers including whale surveyors also use the airport.

For those looking to soar to a new location, the airport is also a major gateway to tourist attractions.

These include the Great Ocean Road, Grampians National Park, Coonawarra wine region and the Limestone Coast.

The Portland Diversification Fund looks to leverage existing and emerging opportunities to maximise the benefits of economic diversification, growth and resilience in the Portland and broader Glenelg Shire economies.