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New CEO appointed to lead Regional Development Victoria


Announcing the appointment of Dr. Xavier Csar as the new Chief Executive for Regional Development Victoria (RDV) following an extensive search process.

Dr Csar brings more than two decades of public sector leadership experience to RDV, including a strong history leading the delivery of regional priorities for both the Australian and Victorian governments.

Most recently, Dr Csar has served as CEO for the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery in the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.

As our state’s lead agency for regional economic development, RDV plays an integral role in working closely with communities, business and industry right across the state to ensure regional areas capture economic opportunities, building on local strengths.

The appointment of our new CEO with sole responsibility to lead RDV reflects the Government’s commitment to delivering quality ongoing jobs and increasing and unlocking economic investment opportunities across rural and regional Victoria. Dr Csar will be fully focused on ensuring our approach continues to build on each region’s unique strengths, creates new opportunities and overcomes local challenges.

Dr Csar said he was delighted to be appointed to the role to ensure rural and regional Victorians continue to thrive into the future, through addressing each region’s unique local challenges, strengths and opportunities.

Dr Csar will take up the role from Monday, 7 October.