Regional Development Victoria

Paving the way to connect Sebastopol


Starting at Docwra Street, the 16.5 km Yarrowee Trail trail features new pathways and upgrades. This includes landscaping, car parks, picnic areas and shelters.

The works are supporting locals and visitors in the Ballarat suburb to gather and have fun, delivering new ways to connect to nature.

A parkland and viewing area with access to Redan Wetlands has been delivered on the corner of Orion and Rubicon Streets to support the Trail’s biodiversity and reel in visitors.

In Yuille Park, new picnic facilities and carparking have been installed along with access to the nearby Yuille Wetlands.

The new connections to the Yarrowee Trail were put forward in the City of Ballarat Council’s Yarrowee River and Tributaries: River Corridor Masterplan, highlighting a 25-year vision to activate the key location.

Works are underway on the Hertford Street Bike Path as part of the program, providing travel for students to access Phoenix Community College and kindergarten.

The path features a dual direction bike lane and shared path for cyclists, students and families to keep active.

The Victoria Albert Streetscape project has also started works thanks to the program, and will deliver new trees, garden beds and seating to enhance the area along with improvements to parking, safety and accessibility.

The works will help locals and visitors access community buildings including the Sebastopol Library and public transport services.

The project is made possible through an investment from the Victorian Government’s $5 million Spotlight on Sebastopol program.