Regional Development Victoria

Supporting aboriginal storytelling in Ballarat


A new gallery dedicated to Aboriginal art and storytelling is open to visitors and locals in Ballarat thanks to support from the Victorian Government.

The Perridak Arts Gallery on Mair Street is now open, backed by $200,000 from the government’s Living Local Fund.

The Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative (BADAC) developed the two gallery spaces to share genuine Aboriginal art and give Aboriginal artists a place to display and sell their art in the city centre.

The gallery showcases more than 40 Aboriginal artists with ties to the Ballarat region as well as artist from across Australia, telling the story and sharing their connection to their culture.

The project is part of BADAC’s goal to strengthen Aboriginal families in their local communities through health, social and community development programs.

The Living Local Fund is part of the Government’s Our Regions: Living Local Initiative strengthening communities.

The Victorian Government is also supporting BADAC to build an Elders’ Independent Living Community in Ballarat backed by a $2.6 million investment from its Regional Infrastructure Fund.

Local councils and community organisations have received grants up to $200,000 for infrastructure projects. Smaller investments of up to $20,000 have been awarded for minor upgrades and maintenance to facilities to keep them in service well into the future.

The Living Local Fund is part of the Victorian Government’s record investment of more than $36 billion in regional and rural Victoria since 2015.

For more information, visit Living Local Regional Fund.