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Unlocking more regional industrial land


We’re giving businesses the certainty they need to grow, expand and move to regional Victoria, with new support to unlock industrial land for development.

As part of the Economic Growth Statement, we will partner local council and industries by investing $10 million to bring forward trunk infrastructure – such as water, sewerage, roads and electricity – to support projects and precinct developments in regional Victoria.

Trunk infrastructure is the first step in opening up land for industrial use. But this can be an expensive and time-consuming process for businesses who are often required to foot the bill up front, leading them to look elsewhere.

Our investment will focus on ready-to-go projects and fast track the development of land to get it ready for the market sooner. This will give more businesses the confidence to make smart investment decisions and create more jobs.

We’re backing the development of industrial land across all corners of rural and regional Victoria, including sites such as the Gippsland Logistics and Manufacturing Precinct and the Ballarat West Employment Zone.

These major investments are generating billions in private investment and creating thousands of jobs in regional Victoria.

Businesses are encouraged to contact their local Regional Development Victoria office for more information.

For more information about the Economic Growth Statement, visit the website.