Regional Development Victoria
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RDA Hume Resources

Cyclist in the Hume region

RDA Hume plays a proactive role in progressing the economic outcomes for the region. The below resources have been created to advocate for and inform positive regional development in the Hume region, while supporting the overarching plan for the region, the Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities.

Accessible versions of some of these documents may not be available. Please email RDA Hume if you need the information in an alternative format.

RDA Hume Business Plan 2024-2025

RDA Hume’s strategic focus areas aim to diversify and strengthen Hume’s economic position by leveraging the region’s natural assets, established and emerging industries and comparative advantages.

Our business activities support the achievement of these outcomes through facilitation, engagement and seeking sustainable solutions for long-term regional benefit. For 2024-25 these include:

  • affordable housing for key workers
  • business and industry support in energy transition
  • addressing current skill gaps and workforce shortages.


The Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 2010-2020

The Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 2010 - 2020 is an integrated regional strategic plan that builds on the strengths of a multi-centred network of settlements within the four sub regions that make up the Hume Region in North East Victoria.

Hume Strategy for Sustainable Communities 2010-2020 (PDF 9998.22 KB) PDF icon

The Central Hume Sub Regional Plan 2010-20

The Central Hume Sub Regional Plan is one of five volumes that describe the Hume Strategy and is a companion document to the Hume Regional Plan.

Central Hume Sub-Regional Plan 2010-20 (PDF 3616.13 KB) PDF icon

Goulburn Valley Sub Regional Plan 2010-20

The Goulburn Valley Sub Regional Plan is one of five volumes that describe the Hume Strategy and is a companion document to the Hume Regional Plan.

Goulburn Valley Sub-Regional Plan 2010-20 (PDF 3822.45 KB) PDF icon

Lower Hume Sub Regional Plan 2010-20

The Lower Hume Sub Regional Plan is one of five volumes that describe the Hume Strategy and is a companion document to the Hume Regional Plan.

Lower Hume Sub-Regional Plan 2010-20 (PDF 3825.37 KB) PDF icon

Upper Hume Sub Regional Plan 2010-20

The Upper Hume Sub Regional Plan is one of five volumes that describe the Hume Strategy and is a companion document to the Hume Regional Plan.

Upper Hume Sub-Regional Plan 2010-20 (PDF 3635.04 KB) PDF icon

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