Regional Development Victoria

Barwon Regional Partnership

Barwon Regional Partnerships Logo The Barwon Regional Partnership is one of 9 partnerships across the state. It was established in 2016 in recognition that local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region.

From the famous Great Ocean Road coastline to the Otway forests, from rich farmland to the streets of Victoria’s biggest regional city, Geelong, our region spans spectacular and diverse landscapes.

We have a dynamic economy, with a strong manufacturing and processing sector, and great potential for growth in the professional services, tourism, international education, healthcare, information and communication technologies and agribusiness sectors.

Our region includes:

Our focus

Our partnership is focused on investing in good growth so that everyone can experience the benefits. This ensures that rapid growth does not diminish or damage what attracts people to our region but leverages our strengths to enhance these benefits sustainably.

The Barwon region is growing rapidly with a projected growth of 27% by 2036. People are moving here to enjoy the lifestyle, environment, diverse employment sector, beaches, rural areas and to be part of Victoria’s second largest city – Geelong.

The Barwon Regional Partnership is focused on investing in good growth so that the benefits are experienced by all.

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