Regional Development Victoria

Central Highlands Regional Partnership

Central Highlands Regional Partnerships Logo The Central Highlands Regional Partnership is one of 9 Partnerships across the state, established by the Victorian Government, recognising that local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region.

Regional Partnerships are a mechanism for engagement between regional communities and the Victorian Government that work to identify opportunities and challenges facing rural and regional communities. Drawing on evidence-based research, advice and data, Regional Partnerships collaborate with community, business and government partners to provide advice for government to facilitate regional economic outcomes.

Our region spans the east-west transport corridor connecting Melbourne to western Victoria. The region’s bustling major centre, Ballarat, has the fastest growing population of any regional city in Victoria, while our region also takes in the Rural City of Ararat in the west, the mineral springs at Daylesford, Bacchus Marsh in the east and Bannockburn in the south.

Our region includes:

  • six municipalities (Ararat Rural City, City of Ballarat, Golden Plains Shire, Hepburn Shire, Moorabool Shire , Pyrenees Shire)
  • a Gross Regional Product of $10.28 billion (2020)
  • a fast-growing population, growing 23.1% between 2011 and 2021 to 212,535
  • the largest employers including Health and Community Services (18%), Education and Training (10%) and Construction (10%)
  • top sectors by gross value add (2020) include Health care and social assistance ($1.2B), Construction ($1.0B), Agriculture, forestry and fishing ($663.9M) and Manufacturing ($655.4M).

For further information about the Central Highlands, see:

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