Regional Development Victoria

Goulburn Regional Partnership

Goulburn Regional Partnerships Logo

The Goulburn Regional Partnership is one of nine Partnerships across the state, established by the Victorian Government, recognising that local communities are in the best position to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by their region.

From Melbourne’s northern growth corridor to the Murray River, the Goulburn region is renowned for its fertile soils, mild climate, good water resources and growth opportunities for population and business.

Often described as the 'food bowl of Australia', agriculture underpins the economy here, followed closely by manufacturing, health care and social assistance.

Shepparton, the largest city in the region, is the primary location for health, cultural and higher education services. It, along with other towns including Yarrawonga, Euroa and Seymour, is culturally diverse and has a strong Indigenous population.

Our region includes:

The Goulburn Regional Partnership has actively consulted and engaged with thousands of people living and working in our community.

We played a key role in providing the State Government a deep understanding of local COVID-19 impacts and opportunities through our Goulburn coronavirus roundtable. It engaged Regional Development Australia members and local leaders to provide live insight of the pandemics impact and helped shaped the government’s recovery response.

Our Partnership presents annually to Government on our region's priorities. The Partnership has completed a Goulburn Outcomes Roadmap (PDF 1509.65 KB) PDF icon - a summary of the key outcomes the Partnership is striving to achieve long term, as well as a description of the actions and key projects the Partnership is focussing on, and what success will look like for the region.

While Partnership projects have been supported in successive budgets our work is much more than winning funding at Budget time.

We have been active in bringing different groups and parts of Government together in our region, in getting people talking, listening to the needs and expectations of our communities, and providing Governments with insight into how we can design policy to effectively service our region.

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