The Partnership engages with the Loddon Campaspe community throughout the year and takes our region’s priorities to the Victorian Government.
Over time, the Partnership has been able to refine the region’s priorities as it has consulted further.
In some cases, Government has responded to the priorities with funding for specific initiatives at Budget time or through the year.
But not all of our priorities require funding initiatives to get off the ground.
Our Region's Priorities
The Partnership recently completed an Outcomes Roadmap - a summary of the key outcomes the Partnership is striving to achieve, the actions and key projects the Partnership is focusing on, and what success will look like for the region. This is a living document and will be updated going forward.
Budget Outcomes for our Partnership
One way in which our Partnership priorities can be realised is through the Budget process.
Read about our 2021/22 Victorian Budget Outcomes:
- Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership 2021/22 Budget Fact Sheet (PDF 162.1 KB)
- Loddon Campaspe Regional Partnership 2021/22 Budget Fact Sheet (WORD 191.9 KB)
Find out more about the State Budget.
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