Regional Development Victoria

Our Members

Mallee Regional Partnerships Logo Our Partnership comprises business and community members from across the Mallee who care passionately about the future of our region.

They are joined on the Partnership by the CEOs of our Local Councils and TAFE, as well as representatives from Regional Development Australia and a Victorian Government Deputy Secretary, ensuring that all levels of government are represented.


Business and community members

Florence DavidsonFlorence Davidson – Chair

Executive Officer of Christie Centre Inc. Florence brings over 35 years of expertise in governance and strategic planning to drive positive change and innovation. With extensive experience leading community-focused initiatives, including multiple government and not-for-profit services, including in her current role as Executive Officer of the Christie Centre, a NDIS organisation celebrating the greatness and possibilities within every individual. She excels in developing partnerships and fostering collaboration to deliver sustainable outcomes. Passionate about empowering and strengthening communities, Florence combines visionary leadership with a hands-on and community-led approach.

Paul NortheyPaul Northey – Deputy Chair

Managing Director of Lower Murray Water. Paul has held multiple senior management roles in the Victorian water industry, predominantly in the areas of project and service delivery, strategic planning and corporate strategy. Previously he held the position as Chief Regional Transport with the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP). Paul holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Master of Engineering (Environmental) and a Master of Business Administration. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia, and serves on both the Deakin University Engineering Advisory Board, and the Mallee Regional Innovation Centre (MRIC) Strategic Advisory Panel.

Fiona BestFiona Best

CEO of Birchip Cropping Group, a not-for-profit organisation led by dryland farmers aiming to improve the prosperity of Australian broadacre farmers through applied science-based research and extension. Fiona brings together experience in the education and agriculture sectors with a passion for the success of rural communities. She is the Regional Director of the Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub and is a member of the CSIRO’s National Food and Agriculture Advisory Committee. Fiona holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Bachelor of Commerce.

Bernie HydeBernie Hyde

Executive General Manager, Operations Readiness, VHM Ltd. Bernie has over 40 years of experience in the mining industry spanning brown coal, black coal, gold, copper, and nickel mining and processing operations around Australia. Over 30 years of those have been spent in supervisory and management roles, with responsibility for leading operations and maintenance delivery teams. He is also the Chair of the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) Victorian Division’s Safety and Health Working Group and is the inaugural Chair of the recently formed Cross-Border Industry Taskforce.

Sharon JohnsonSharon Johnson

A proud Wangkumarra woman and the Director of Aboriginal Health at Mildura Base Public Hospital. Sharon is an AHPRA Registered Aboriginal Health Practitioner and Health Professional who holds a Master of Public Health and has 30 years’ experience working in Aboriginal Primary Health Care as a clinician, educator, lecturer and in project management, with a strong public health, policy/strategy and research background. She is a Leader and First Nations Human Rights and Social Justice Advocate, proud of her culture, connection to country, and active member of the Mildura Aboriginal Community.

Rebecca WellsRebecca Wells

CEO of Mallee Regional Innovation Centre. Rebecca leads initiatives in horticulture, water, energy, and the environment. Supported by Centre partners, The University of Melbourne, La Trobe University and SuniTAFE, the Centre collaborates on projects such as the Victoria Drought Hub, One Basin CRC and Mallee Hydrogen Technology Cluster. Rebecca holds qualifications from Flinders, Griffith and Charles Stuart Universities and has held leadership and advocacy roles with Bendigo and Adelaide Bank’s Community Bank National Council, Bendigo Bank’s Community Bank Merbein and District, and Northern Mallee Leaders Inc. Rebecca has also held positions at the Australian Table Grape Association and Mildura Rural City Council.

Regional Development Australia representatives

Leonie BurrowsLeonie Burrows

Leonie is a management consultant with 25 years' experience in local government, including as CEO at Mildura Rural City Council. Leonie’s consulting roles have included CEO of the Australian Tablegrape Growers Association, CEO of the Australian Citrus industry and CEO of Buloke Shire. Ms Burrows is currently Chair of several organisations, including Loddon Mallee Regional Development Australia, Murray Primary Health Network, Mallee Regional Innovation Centre, and the Victorian Hub of the One Basin Collaborative Research Centre. Previous Chair roles include Sunraysia Community Health Service, Sunraysia Institute of TAFE, Victorian TAFE Association, Lower Murray Water Corporation, Mildura Transport and Logistics Cluster, and involvement in numerous other community organisations. community organisations.

Anne MansellAnne Mansell

Anne has lived in Mildura for most of her life and has been involved in the horticultural industry for well on 40 years. She was the CEO of Dried Fruits Australia, a role she used to promote innovation and to advocate for improved biosecurity arrangements and expanded exports. She has also previously held the position of CEO of Mildura Development Corporation. Currently, Anne serves on the following boards- Northern Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network, Murray Valley Wine Growers Industry Development Committee, Sunraysia Community Health, Finwell Support, and is also a member of the Advisory Boards for Mallee Regional Innovation Centre and La Trobe University Mildura Campus. Anne is also a committee member for the Regional Development Australia Loddon-Mallee region, providing vital cross-government linkages.

Victorian Government representative

Drew Warne-Smith – Deputy Secretary, System Reform, Workforce and Engagement, Department of Families, Fairness and Health.


Brett MillingtonBrett Millington

CEO and Board Director at Sunraysia Institute of TAFE. Brett has previously held CEO and Executive roles across the economic development, Government and Water, Natural resource sectors in Victoria for close to 20 years.  He holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours (Geography,Environmental Studies), a Graduate Diploma in Executive Business Operations, is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Australian Certified Economic Developer.  Brett has been previously involved in the Mallee Regional Partnership as a community member for 3 years and is actively involved in a number of local and regional boards and committees.

Local government CEOs

Scott BarberScott Barber

CEO, Swan Hill Rural City Council. Scott has more than two decades’ experience leading high performing teams within Local Government, utilities and services sectors, as well as governance roles within the private and public sectors. Scott has a strong understanding of the issues impacting regional communities, with experience spanning local government, agriculture, water management, infrastructure operations and financial leadership.

He has held Executive roles at Goulburn-Murray Water, Murray River Council and most recently Director of Projects and Strategy at Wagga Wagga City Council. Scott has completed a Master of Applied Science, Bachelor of Engineering, Graduate Certificate in Management and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Martin HawsonMartin Hawson

CEO, Mildura Rural City Council. Martin was appointed Chief Executive Officer in April 2022 and had previously held the role of Interim CEO during the recruitment process. Martin has a broad and extensive background in community services leadership and management experience in local government. Prior has been his appointment as CEO, Martin held the position of General Manager Community since June 2003 and Manager of Aged and Disability Services for five years previous to that. Martin has a Master of Health Science and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Wayne OTooleWayne O’Toole

CEO, Buloke Shire Council. Prior to his appointment as CEO, Wayne held the positions of Director Works and Technical Services and Manager Statutory Services. In these roles Wayne was involved in flood recovery, project delivery, the Working for Victoria Program, improving Buloke’s road network and increasing customer satisfaction. Before this, Wayne spent 7 years at Mount Alexander Shire in a number of roles including Manager of Development Services and Manager of Healthy Environments. Wayne has a strong senior leadership background in the private sector, holds Master of Business Administration and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Geoff Rollinson Geoff Rollinson

CEO, Gannawarra Shire Council. Geoff's earliest qualifications and experience are in agriculture. He gained extensive experience and knowledge in Local Government when working with both the former Borough and Shire of Kerang and then the Gannawarra Shire upon amalgamation in 1995. He has a Diploma of Civil Engineering and held the positions of Works Engineer and Manager of Operational Services with Gannawarra Shire from 1995 until he started in the Director Infrastructure and Development role in 2011.  He developed in his position until he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer on 21 December 2022 and continues to advocate for financial sustainability for Rural Councils.

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