Regional Development Victoria

Our Regional Priorities and Outcomes

Ovens Murray Regional Partnerships Logo The Ovens Murray Regional Partnership works with community, business and government to identify and leverage game changing initiatives across the region. These priority initiatives are updated annually and align with the Partnerships long term aspirational outcome and strategic objectives.

Strategic objectives and aspirational outcomes

Health and Wellbeing

Strategic objective

To ensure first class health and wellbeing services across the region that meets the diverse needs of the local population.


Healthy, engaged and resilient communities – a great place to grow up and grow old.

Economic Development

Strategic objective

To drive regional economic growth and prosperity in association with our key and emerging sectors – agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and logistics.

Develop and promote unique and iconic tourism infrastructure and natural assets.


A prosperous and innovative economy.

Strategic resource

Ovens Murray Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS).

Education and skills

Strategic objective

To raise aspiration, improve learning pathways and reduce attainment gaps to ensure our education system meets existing and future workforce needs, supports community health and wellbeing, and is a source of regional confidence and pride.


21st century education for future generations and lifelong learning for all.

Strategic resource

Regional Skills Demand Profiles.

Digital Future

Strategic objective

To establish the Ovens Murray as a /smart/ region with a strong telecommunications network, digitally literate population and innovative industry.


Build economic resilience, health and prosperity through digital inclusion, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Climate change and renewable energy

Strategic objective

To position the Ovens Murray as a climate change adaptation leader, protecting and fostering the environmental assets that are central to the regional offering.


Enable a renewable energy future protecting our natural environment, building our climate change resilience and delivering community benefit


To deliver an efficient, effective and integrated transport network that connects communities and enables industry.Communities and industries are connected to each other and major service centres.

Education and SkillsTo raise aspiration, improve learning pathways and reduce attainment gaps to ensure our education system meets existing and future workforce needs, supports community health and wellbeing, and is a source of regional confidence and pride.


21st Century education for future generations and lifelong learning for all.

Housing and Workforce

Strategic objective

To address housing and workforce shortages


Sufficient, appropriate and affordable housing that supports everyone in our region to thrive.

Our regions priorities

During 2016, 2017 and 2018 the partnership held large Regional Assemblies to assist identify community aspirations and priorities. Since then, the partnership has taken a focussed approach to updating and refining annual priorities that align with the aspirations by engaging with key stakeholders through deep dives and round tables.

Some priorities seek formalised attention, collaboration and/or policy change, whilst others seek investment.

The priority initiatives for 2023-2024 follow.

Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development Plan

Download Transcript - Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development Plan (DOCX 34.42 KB) DOCX icon

The Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development Plan outlines 110 projects aimed to double the Alpine regions economic contribution by 2031 to achieve 2.7m visitors, $4.5 billion in total output, sustain 20,400 jobs and contribute $2.1 billion in GSP. The Ovens Murray Regional Partnership invites staged investment into the initiatives within the plan.

Total investment: $439 million over 10 years

In 2023-2024 the OMRP seeks an initial investment to develop new green season hero tourism experiences at the three major resorts; Mt Hotham, Falls Creek and Mt Buller.

  • Mt Hotham - Iconic Walks Project ($5m)
  • Falls Creek - Year Round Community Sports Hub ($1.95m)
  • Mt Buller - Burnt Reservoir and Spurs Redevelopment ($4.5m)

Download Alpine Resorts Visitor Economy Development Plan Fact Sheet (PDF 115.45 KB) PDF icon

Cycle Tourism

The Ovens Murray (High Country) is recognised as having the strongest cycle tourism credentials in Victoria, attracting more cycle tourists than any other regional destination in the State thanks to its product strengths in three cycle disciplines – road cycling, mountain biking and rail trails, and spectacular typography.

Strategic growth and investment in this sector is guided by Victoria’s High Country Destination Management Plan 2013-2023, the North East Cycling Optimisation Plan (NEVCO 2017), and Activating King Valley Prosecco Road Plan (2021).

The Regional Partnership seeks investment in two key initiatives: Stage 1 of The Prosecco Trail, and Ride High Country Marketing Campaign (stage 2).

Prosecco Trail (stage 1)

Download Transcript - The Prosecco Trail Stage One (DOCX 34.27 KB) DOCX icon


Delivery of 19.9km of 2.5m wide sealed path from Edi Cutting to Cheshunt connecting 9 wineries and 1 brewery, as stage 1 of the Activating King Valley Prosecco Road Plan (2021).

  • Contribute to the total project economic output of $24.2m and 60 jobs during construction.
  • Increase of 16,500 visitors p.a.

Investment:  $15 million

Ride High Country Marketing Campaign (stage 2)

Download Transcript - Ride High Country Marketing Campaign (DOCX 33.07 KB) DOCX icon


Delivery of the proven marketing campaign to promote the region as Australia’s Premier Cycling destination, increase overnight visitation and yield and drive greater return on public and private investment in cycle-tourism.

  • Increase cycling visitation from 225,000 (2021) to 390,000 p.a. (2027.)
  • Increase direct visitor expenditure from $130m (2021) to $212m p.a. (2027)

Investment: $4 million over 4 years

Food Unity Hub

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Expand the work of the Albury Wodonga Regional FoodShare and build workforce skills through the construction of a purpose-built Food Unity Hub at the Wodonga TAFE campus, comprising scalable emergency food relief warehouse, social supermarket, support services, social enterprise, training and education.


  • Address the region’s growing food insecurity demands and future-proof the regions’ ability to respond to natural disasters.
  • Reduce levels of poverty and disadvantage.
  • Increase forecast from 2022 to 2029:
    • Food Rescued: 1.2m kg to 2.4m kg
    • Meals provided: 2.5m to 3.1m
    • People Served: 48,000 to 52,000
    • Agencies. Schools, community groups receiving food for distribution: 225 to 300
    • Food Suppliers: 70 to 120
  • Deliver over 40 skilled workers each year with an estimated $13m over 5 years, specifically targeting transport, logistics, warehousing, hospitality, commercial cookery, retail and business administration.
  • Create 65 construction jobs and generate $17.748m in total output over 2 years.
  • Every $1 invested returns $4.25 social returns. If solely based on financial investment (donated time and product removed), this is increased to a $105.53 return on investment.
  • Generate $70m in economic value over 20 years through avoided health and social costs.
  • Servicing 10 Local Government Areas (7 in Vic).


$6.4 million for a $14 million total project.

Download Food Unity Hub Fact Sheet (PDF 136.61 KB) PDF icon

The Wodonga Project

Download Transcript - The Wodonga Project (DOCX 34.66 KB) DOCX icon


Establishment of a collaborative (n=14), place-based, early identification and intervention service for vulnerable young people within schools in Wodonga and applying the Community of Schools Services (CoSS) model.


Replicate the outcomes of The Geelong Project:

  • 40% reduction in presentations to youth homelessness service system
  • 20% reduction in early school leaving
  • 50% reduction in school disengagement at participating schools
  • reduction in crisis referrals to mental health and community support services.

Other benefits:

  • 5.8 FTE jobs created and estimated net benefit 5:1
  • Report on the Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria (recommendation 19)
  • Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (recommendations 6, 15, 17)

Investment: $2.19 million over 3 years + $750,000 p.a.

This project has received philanthropic funding to commence working with your 10 students at Wodonga Senior Secondary College in 2024.  The Ovens Murray Regional Partnership seeks expanded and ongoing investment for this important youth mental health and homelessness prevention program.

Download Wodonga Education Project Fact Sheet (PDF 97.43 KB) PDF icon

Digital Inclusion for SMEs (ClickRegion)

Download Transcript - Digital Inclusion for SMEs (DOCX 34.45 KB) DOCX icon


Solo to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) represent 98% of the 13,056 businesses in the region. 78% employ less than 5 staff.  Local research found that only 10% feel they are digitally skilled.

This project will further establish and expand a purpose-built online portal (ClickRegion) with customised digital training specifically tailored for SMEs in the Ovens Murray coupled with face-to-face support.

This membership-based model will be self-sustaining beyond establishment funding.


Activating the digital ability of Solo to Medium businesses in the region will produce the following in 2 years:

  • Increase turnover by 5% p.a.
  • Generate $12.9 million
  • Create 136 new jobs; and
  • Create $25.15 million indirect benefits
  • Narrow the 9.9 point digital inclusion index gap between metro and Ovens Murray SMEs.
  • Close the gap in the digital divide as per the Victorian Government Digital Strategy 2021-2026 and Ovens Murray Regional Digital Plan (2019).

Investment: $350,000 for a $450,000 project

Click Region - Building digital confidence

Download Digital Inclusion for SMEs Fact Sheet (PDF 153.13 KB) PDF icon

Pumped Hydro Prospectus and Business Case

Download Transcript - Pumped Hydro Business Case and Prospectus (DOCX 32.65 KB) DOCX icon


The Australian Energy Market Operator 2022 Integrated System Plan identified Ovens Murray as a key pumped-hydro-electric storage (PHES) development zone. Its mountainous topography combined with co-located national electric grid transmission infrastructure providing a competitive edge. 151 potential off river sites have been identified within the region.

This project is to develop a pumped hydroelectric storage (PHES) prospectus and business case for the Ovens Murray and garnish community support.


  • Position the region for investment in PHES to bring benefits similar to Snowy 2.0, the creation of 4000 jobs and producing enough secure power for 500,000 homes.

Investment: $1.16 million

Education First Youth Foyer


The state government announced funding for the construction of a 40-studio EFYF apartment at Wodonga TAFE (McKoy St Wodonga) and the Goulburn Ovens TAFE (Docker Street Wangaratta) to support 16 – 24 year olds’ avoid homelessness, attain better educational outcomes and crucial life skills.  The Ovens Murray Partnership seeks investment in the ongoing operations of the two Youth Foyers.


  • Creation of 50 new jobs ongoing.
  • 85% of youths in work or education 1 year after exiting the Youth Foyer.
  • 75% of youths completing year 12 or equivalent.
  • Number of homeless young people reduced.
  • Reduce the circulation of young people through the homelessness system.
  • Increase the number of vulnerable young people engaged in and completing education qualifications or employed.
  • Build confidence, skills, sense of self-worth and mental strength of vulnerable young people in the region and equip them to thrive in life and develop a secure future.
  • Wangaratta - $1.3 million p.a.


  • Wodonga - $2 million p.a.
  • Wangaratta - $1.3 million p.a.

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