Regional Development Victoria

Our Projects

Ovens Murray Regional Partnerships Logo An important role of the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership is to build the evidence case for action. In 2023, the Partnership has focussed on two evidence building projects, namely:

  • Ovens Murray Digital Plan Refresh
  • Ovens Murray Integrated Transport Plan

Ovens Murray Digital Plan Refresh

The first Ovens Murray Digital Plan was launched in 2019 under the Victorian Government’s Connecting Regional Communities Program. Its development was led by the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership and involved significant contributions from a wide range of key stakeholders.

Many of these stakeholders then formed the Ovens Murray Digital Futures Coordination Group (Digital Futures Group), which operates as a working group of the Partnership.

Members of the Digital Futures Group include regional stakeholders from community, business, education and health services, the telco industry and local and state government.

The Ovens Murray Digital Plan has proved highly valuable in gaining investment and action on a wide range of digital priorities for the region. So much so, that the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership allocated funding in 2023 to refresh the Digital Plan.

Engagement in the development of the refreshed plan has been extensive and has resulted in a robust and well evidenced document that recommends action across six pillars:

  1. Digital Awareness
  2. Digital Skills
  3. Digital Safety
  4. Digital Data Use
  5. Digital Connectivity
  6. Digital Governance

Download the Ovens Murray Digital Plan (PDF 8897.47 KB) PDF icon.

An accessible version of this document is not available. Work to create an accessible version is in progress. Please email if you need an accessible version.

Ovens Murray Integrated Transport Strategy

Improvements in transport has been a priority of the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership from its inception. To date, the Partnership has successfully focussed on gaining improvements on the North East rail line and investments into the delivery of the new VLocity trains.

However, the region desperately needs an integrated transport strategy that considers the unique challenges and opportunities of the region and plans transport as one system for all modes.

For our communities to thrive and industries to fully reach their potential we need to improve transport connectivity across the region with links to ports, airports, roads and rail hubs, as well as with other regional and metropolitan centres.

In early 2023, the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership and the Department of Transport and Planning jointly funded the development of an Integrated Transport Strategy for the region.

Planning for the Strategy is currently underway with the aim for completion in mid 2024.

When finalised, the evidenced based strategy will guide planning and investment in transport infrastructure, services and initiatives to meet the needs of our growing region. It will respond to multiple economic and population growth scenarios and inform sequencing of transport priorities and initiatives in the short, medium and long term.

Showcasing digital innovation and entrepreneurship in Ovens Murray

Establishing Ovens Murray as a regional leader in digital innovation and entrepreneurship is a high priority for the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership.

We already have a strong foundation to build on, with the region attracting innovators from diverse backgrounds who are facilitating businesses, entrepreneurial collaborations and learning opportunities through digital technology.

The Partnership is keen to showcase some of these national and international digital success stories as a way of inspiring others in, and to, our region.

The following eight case studies highlight how people in Ovens Murray are using technology to facilitate community connection, enable work-life balance and provide economic and social benefit through jobs, training and improved services.

You’ll find a summary video below. Then you can explore each of the stories further by opening the links and watching the individual short videos.

Let us know what you think of our inspiring innovators and entrepreneurs by commenting on our Facebook page.

Download Transcript - Digital innovation and entrepreneurship in Ovens Murray (DOCX 13.8 KB) DOCX icon.

From Wangaratta to Mars

Wangaratta’s Digital Technology Advisory Committee (DTAC) and Galen College are working together and have had great success improving digital participation and building the skills of the next generation of innovators.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.8 MB)

Download Transcript - From Wangaratta to Mars (DOCX 13.46 KB) DOCX icon.

Crowdfunding for Superfine Idea

A world leader that is not well-known in Australia, this Benalla family’s superfine wool business has innovation in its DNA and has taken the leap to try crowdfunding for their latest product.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.4 MB)

Download Transcript - Crowdfunding for Superfine Idea (DOCX 12.61 KB) DOCX icon.

Bright Tights Sold Globally

Combining a great idea that has universal application with technology and a lifestyle choice, this young couple decided to relocate to Bright to start their business.
Download the Case Study (PDF 2.3 MB)

Download Transcript - Bright Tights Sold Globally (DOCX 12.5 KB) DOCX icon.

Co-working Unearths a Gem

This Wangaratta co-working space above a former jeweller’s shop has connected a diverse group of people who would usually work in isolation and is delivering benefits for the whole community.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.4 MB)

Download Transcript - Co-working Unearths a Gem (DOCX 12.67 KB) DOCX icon.

Patient Outcomes Drive Telehealth

Using digital technology to connect patients across North East Victoria to health specialists in other towns and cities is reaping rewards for patients, regional health professionals and the regional economy.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.5 MB)

Download Transcript - Patient outcomes drive telehealth (DOCX 13.13 KB) DOCX icon.

App Keeps People Moving

With 2,000 staff managing more than 200,000 transport movements a day during the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, this Wangaratta business is challenging the big players in transport logistics technology.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.3 MB)

Download Transcript - App keeps people moving (DOCX 12.98 KB) DOCX icon.

Video Didn’t Kill These Radio Stars

Using their radio skills and experience, home-based and portable recording studios and dreams of work and family balance in Beechworth, these two voice artists can run their business from anywhere.
Download the Case Study (PDF 2.4 MB)

Download Transcript - Video didn’t kill these radio stars (DOCX 13.46 KB) DOCX icon.

Tech Reality Offers Start-up Options

What can Virtual Reality offer a business idea? Participants in a Towong Shire initiative are being inspired by this and other technologies that support their entrepreneurial ideas.
Download the Case Study (PDF 1.5 MB)

Download Transcript - Tech Reality Offers Start-up Options (DOCX 12.79 KB) DOCX icon.

Making North East Victoria Australia’s top cycling destination

North East Victoria has long been recognised as having the strongest cycle tourism credentials in Victoria and is primed to become Australia’s premier cycling destination.

With over 100,000 overnight visitors coming to the region to participate in cycling each year, the region’s cycling visitation is double the average for regional Victoria.

“Developing cycle tourism is important for the region and a top priority of the Ovens Murray Regional Partnership,” explains Amber Gardner, Tourism North East CEO and Ovens Murray Regional Partnership member.

“Our aim is to create world class cycling experiences that drive significant growth to the local visitor economy," says Amber. "The region has developed a cycle tourism masterplan to drive strategic growth in this sector, with one of the first priority projects identified as part of this process being activation of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail.”

Activation of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail has four key components:

  • A marketing campaign to drive awareness and increase visitation;
  • Extension of the Murray to Mountains trail between Beechworth and Yackandandah to link the two heritage towns;
  • Private sector activation for facilities that support business investment in a range of cycle tourism experiences;
  • Enhancements and attractions along the trails, including artistic, interpretive and architectural installations.

“We were very pleased when the Victorian Government announced a $12 million contribution to this stage of the overall plan in its 2017/18 State Budget.

“Cycling in the North East provides a unique opportunity for locals and visitors to experience our fantastic natural environment and gain health, social and economic benefits through physical activity, community connections, business development and jobs,” says Amber.

As part of this activation, a multi-million dollar Ride High Country marketing campaign will launch in Spring 2018 and work on the extension of the Murray to Mountains Rail Trail between Beechworth and Yackandandah will commence in September.

Private activation has been initialised with the appointment of an experienced consultant, specifically charged with sourcing and analysing private sector investment opportunities, as well as sourcing and securing new commercial opportunities associated with both cycle experiences and the broader tourism products to effectively meet growing market demand.

Take a look at our vision for the region.

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