Regional Development Victoria

Branding and signage guidelines

Third-party Victorian State Government logo usage and acknowledgment guidelines

These guidelines outline how to use the Victorian State Government logo, including how to apply the wording 'Supported by' and 'In partnership with’, when acknowledging the Victorian Government for its contribution to a program, project, event or activity.

Capital works signage guidelines

Capital works signs provide information about major public works to the Victorian community. Information on the signs includes details of government funding, start and completion dates, and an outline of the project benefits.

A sign must be erected for all new budget-sector capital works with government funding of $250,000 or greater. Exemptions can only be granted by the relevant departmental Senior Communication Executive.

These guidelines have been developed to:

  • ensure that the Victorian public is appropriately informed about the purpose, costs and benefits of new government funded budget-sector capital works projects
  • provide direction on project signage
  • ensure consistent design and structure of capital works signs.

Projects under $250,000

Capital works signage is not required for projects under $250,000.

If a sign is erected to acknowledge the government's contribution to a project under $250,000, the Capital works signage guidelines don't need to be followed.

However, any use of Victorian Government branding should comply with the Brand Victoria Guidelines.

Projects over $250,000

Capital works signage is required for projects over $250,000. Our capital works signage guidelines must be followed.

Download DRRV Capital Works Signage Guidelines (PDF 200.3 KB) PDF icon

Types of signage

There are two types of signs - pedestrian capital works signs and construction site capital works signs.

For the pedestrian signs, there are template options for no image, portrait image and landscape image.

These downloads are zip files containing Adobe Illustrator template files. You will need Adobe Illustrator on your computer to be able to customise these templates for your project.

Download DRRV InDesign Templates (ZIP 24796.72 KB) ZIP icon

Additional brand guidelines

These guidelines have been developed in line with the Brand Victoria Guidelines. You should refer to the Brand Victoria Guidelines for direction on the correct placement or treatment of logos, accessible colours and fonts.

More information

For assistance, contact your local Regional Development Victoria office or email