Regional Development Victoria

Building Works package

The Building Works package provides immediate benefit to communities across the state.

The $2.7 billion package creates and supports thousands of jobs for workers in our state’s supply chains.

This includes projects ranging from botanic gardens upgrades to seasonal worker accommodation.

From our smallest town to our most famous natural wonders, the Building Works package enables regional Victoria to thrive in unique ways.

Glenrowan received a boost with an investment to deliver the Ned Kelly Discovery Hub, which brings visitors back in time to the town’s history, stories and events connected to the Kelly Gang.

The Ouyen Community Gym project is improving local health and fitness in the small town of Ouyen with a major refurbishment.

Maldon’s streetscape has also been rejuvenated with shopfront improvements and updates to heritage features including streetlights.

Over in Mildura, the town’s Powerhouse precinct received an upgrade with a new café, landscaping, function hub and car parks along the riverfront.

These projects and many more supported are part of building projects that matter to Victoria and creating more jobs.

The Building Works package also included $382 million in funding to upgrade and build new community projects and tourism experiences across Victoria.