Regional Development Victoria

Regional City of Latrobe

A beautiful, resource-rich city that is home to Victoria’s major electricity generators and a growing aerospace manufacturing sector.

Local Government Area (LGA)Latrobe City
Neighbouring Local Government Areas Baw Baw, South Gippsland, Wellington
LGA Population, 202075,900
Estimated Population, 203683,200
Population Growth between 2015-2020 0.4% per annum
Forecast Population Growth0.6% per annum from 2016 to 2036
Output $6.6 billion Gross Regional Product

Map of Victoria highlighting Latrobe

Known for its natural beauty, Latrobe City is situated in the centre of the Latrobe Valley in Gippsland. Comprising four major urban centres: Churchill, Moe/Newborough, Morwell and Traralgon, Latrobe is the fourth-largest city in regional Victoria by population.

Located approximately 150km southeast of Melbourne, Latrobe City is a major service centre for the Gippsland region, particularly in the provision of retail, entertainment, education and health services.

Latrobe City is a resource rich area with abundant forest, rich agricultural land and large brown coal and water resources. Latrobe City’s regional economy is underpinned by minerals, and the energy sector due to its large coal resource.

Latrobe’s four major power generators produce approximately 90 per cent of Victoria’s electricity. The additional industries including timber processing, paper product manufacturing, agribusiness, post-secondary education, tourism and the provision of community services to the Gippsland region create a rich and diverse economy.

Culture and lifestyle

Latrobe City’s cultural scene is spread right across the major townships with retail, fine dining, attractions, arts, music, theatre and sporting events.

The region is a centre for hosting large national and international sporting events, in addition to a diverse and exciting range of cultural and community events. Latrobe City is known as the arts and culture hub of Gippsland with various entertainment facilities, theatres, cinema, art galleries and museums.

Latrobe Regional Gallery in Morwell features eight exhibition spaces and a sculpture courtyard, showcasing permanent works and an annual program of state and national touring exhibitions. Other studios and galleries located across Latrobe City cater to a range of interests and artistic tastes.

The Latrobe Performing Arts Centre is located in Traralgon and presents local, national and international productions, concerts and performances.

Latrobe City’s central location makes it an ideal base to explore Gippsland’s inspiring nature-based and heritage attractions, including Tarra Bulga and Mt Baw Baw National Parks, Walhalla and rail trails.

Employment, industry and infrastructure

Latrobe City has about 4,441 businesses in the city and a workforce of approximately 34,486 people.

Health Care and Social Assistance is the primary employment industry in Latrobe, followed by Construction, Retail Trade and Manufacturing. In the five-year period 2015-2020, there was strong employment growth in Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and Health Care and Social Assistance.

In terms of Gross Value Added activity, Mining is the largest performing sector in Latrobe, generating $2.5 billion in 2020. Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services, Health Care and Social Assistance and Construction are also key industry sectors.

Latrobe is located on the Princes Freeway and has connections to the State rail network, both V/Line and rail freight.

The Latrobe Regional Airport is home to state emergency and medical response facilities, a commercial aviation manufacturing industry and provides private community transport and recreation and tourism services to the region.

Major BusinessesIndustry
Australian PaperPaper product manufacturing
Energy Australia
GDF Suez
AGL Energy
Carter Holt HarveyWood product manufacturing
LionDairy product manufacturing
GippsAeroTransport equipment manufacturing
Latrobe Regional HospitalHealth care and social assistance
Federation University of AustraliaTertiary education
ASIC National Information Processing Government administration
Safetech Tieman SolutionsEngineering and equipment manufacturing
Sage technologyInformation technology services