Regional Development Victoria

Regional City of Warrnambool

A beautiful city on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road, Warrnambool is a major tourist hub and a regional healthcare centre

Local Government Area (LGA)City of Warrnambool
Neighbouring Local Government AreasMoyne
LGA Population, 202035,500
Estimated Population, 203639,900
Population Growth between 2015-20200.9% per annum
Forecast Population Growth0.8% per annum from 2016 to 2036
Output $1.9 billion Gross Regional Product

Map of Victoria highlighting Warrnambool

Warrnambool is situated on the Surf Coast of Victoria, 260km southwest of Melbourne, and is the eighth-largest city in regional Victoria in terms of population. The city is the region’s main service centre for retail, business services, health and education.

Located along the Great Ocean Road, Warrnambool is also a major tourist hub.

Part of the Great South Coast region, Warrnambool’s diverse housing stock, services and amenity features attract a range of new residents: young people to inner urban centre, young families to new developments, mature families to the more rural areas and older people to established areas.

New greenfield opportunities to the north-east and north of the city, as well as in Dennington, provide opportunities for large-scale residential development in Warrnambool over the next 5 to 20 years.

Culture and Lifestyle

As one of the main towns on the Great Ocean Road, life in Warrnambool revolves around the ocean and pristine beaches. Fishing, surfing and boating are all popular activities.

Warrnambool Art Gallery offers a diverse collection of artworks ranging from the romanticised colonial landscapes, to contemporary Australian printmaking. The recently redeveloped Lighthouse Theatre in Warrnambool’s cultural precinct hosts a variety of large contemporary productions each year and also offers intimate spaces for grassroots theatre.

Employment, Industry and Infrastructure

Warrnambool has approximately 2,858 businesses and a workforce of around 18,164 people.

Health Care and Social Assistance is the primary employment industry in Warrnambool, followed by Retail Trade, Education and Training, Accommodation and Food Services and Construction. In the five-year period 2015-2020, there was strong employment growth in Health Care and Social Assistance, Construction , Manufacturing, and Professional, Scientific and Technical Services.

In terms of Gross Value Added activity, Health Care and Social Assistance is the largest performing sector in Warrnambool, generating $270 million in 2020. Education and Training, Construction and Retail Trade are also key industry sectors.

Major BusinessesIndustry
Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory (Saputo) 
Murray-Goulburn (Koroit)*
Dairy product manufacturing
The Midfield GroupMeat and meat product manufacturing
Sun Pharma*Pharmaceutical manufacturing
Ryans GroupRoad freight transport and warehousing
Sinclair WilsonFinancial services
South West Healthcare
St John of God Hospital
Health care and social assistance
Deakin University
South West TAFE
Tertiary education
Wannon WaterWater and Waste Services

*While these companies are not located within Warrnambool, the city provides considerable inputs to these companies (such as labour)

Our Victoria's regions section has more detailed data and statistics on the Warrnambool region and regional Victoria more broadly.